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feenik skuld.

archmage who is the mayor of skuld city.


NAME: feenik skuld.

AGE: 2203 (29 years old in appearance)

GENDER: male.

PRONOUNS: he/him.


SPECIES: human. (archmage).

EXTRA ABOUT SPECIES: fenik is an archmage. archmages are powerful (and usually quite old) spellcasters dedicated to the study of the arcane arts. benevolent ones counsel kings and queens, while evil ones rule as tyrants and pursue lichdom. those who are neither good nor evil sequester themselves in remote towers to practice their magic without interruption. an archmage typically has one or more apprentice mages, and an archmage's abode has numerous magical wards and guardians to discourage interlopers. the archmage can cast disguise themselves and become invisible at will and has some more spells.


SEXUALITY: pansexual.


APPEARANCE: fenik is six foot two. he has a muscular build due to training outside of his tower a lot. his arms and hands are the strongest because he has to use them to cast spells. his skintone is an ivory grey, which often makes people mistake him for a ghost. it doesn't help that his eyes glow white; his pupils and irises aren't visible. his body is littered with burn marks from fights with ancient fire witches and mages. one scar runs from his right ear down his bellybutton. he hides the scars by wearing a hooded, dark green cloak at all times. though if he takes this off, you'll see he has short dark blue hair, cut in a messy fringe.

9 inches when erect. it's a normal human cock with average sized balls.


PERSONALITY: some would call fenik a villain because of his harsh way of ruling. others would call him a valuable asset while ruling the country. he serves the royal family by advising from his professional mage's perspective. when he isn't at the castle, he's working as a mayor his own city called 'skuld city.' the fact that he named it after himself already says enough. the city has about 3000 people living in it and it's one of the best faring cities in the kingdom of ursellia. fenik values himself a lot, which also results in him thinking others are inferior to him. he thinks of himself as mighty --- something which other city members also agree on. deep down he does feel sympathy for others, but oftentimes doesn't show this because he deems it unnecessary.



DOM/SUB: dominant.


TURN ONS: bdsm. being predatory. consensual non-consensual sex. cock/pussy worship. gloryhole. sex toys. edging. somnophilia. roleplay. uniform.


TURN OFFS: scat and piss. pet play. breathplay.


y/c and fenik met on a dating site. you've spoken online for a few weeks, and now, finally, y/c got to meet him in person. he invited them to one of his towers standing atop a hill. this tower looked out on the city y/c lived in. he let y/c inside and gave them a tour throughout the home. it was surprisingly clean and royal-looking from the inside. this absolutely didn't match the cold, moss-and-brick exterior. at one point y/c and fenik entered the bedroom. fenik's mouth turned into a smirk. "did you know I can make your body aroused with magic only?" he said. "I can do it if you wanna try."


y/c and fenik have been dating for two weeks now. y/c and him have talked about sexual fantasies, and it turned out that your character had a kink for waking up to someone taking them unexpectedly. fenik and them agreed to try this out this week. and now the moment is there; y/c was fast asleep, dreaming - but they woke up being sweaty and hot. their eyes fluttered open, and they realised fenik was spooning them... but also thrusting into them.

by @waketyran on wattpad

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